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Home Contractor Repair is a trusted local company that provides residential and commercial services. We are licensed, bonded and insured so you can rest assured we will be there when you need us, 24/7. Our expert technicians can handle anything from a clogged drain to complete basement waterproofing. Don’t wait for disaster to strike, call Home Contractor Repair today!

If you’re dealing with more complex issues that require specialized knowledge, it’s essential to contact a foundation repair contractor. Foundation issues can often go hand in hand with HVAC problems, especially if your home experiences shifting or settling. A qualified foundation repair contractor can assess and address any underlying structural concerns that may be affecting your air conditioning system’s performance.

Air Conditioning Service Home Contractor Repair

Air conditioning service is a common home contractor repair service that can be done by a professional, DIYer or homeowner. Air conditioning service involves cleaning and replacing air filters, checking the thermostat settings, evaluating your system’s efficiency and making any necessary repairs. It’s also important to keep in mind that your air conditioning system will need regular maintenance throughout the year as well as during seasonal changes in temperature, so don’t hesitate to call on an air conditioning contractor if you notice anything unusual while performing this simple task yourself!

Backup Generator Installation

When you’re looking for a home contractor repair, you want to make sure that the company you choose is not only capable of handling your needs but also understands what it takes to keep your home running smoothly. When it comes to generator installation and maintenance, there are several factors that should be considered before choosing one company over another.

  • Will they provide on-site consultation?
  • Are they willing to come out during off hours or weekends?
  • Do they have experience working with generators in this type of environment (elevated areas)?

These are just some questions that need answers before signing any contracts with a new contractor.

Basement Waterproofing Home Contractor Repair

Foundation inspections play a critical role in maintaining a dry and secure basement. When considering basement waterproofing, it’s important to involve a professional home contractor who specializes in repair and waterproofing solutions. These experts can assess the condition of your foundation, identify any potential issues, and recommend the best course of action to prevent water damage.

Basement waterproofing is a good investment. It can save you money on heating and cooling bills, extend the life of your home, and can be done in stages so that you don’t have to do it all at once. If your basement has water problems that aren’t being addressed by simply repairing cracks in the foundation or making sure drainage is adequate, then it may be time for some serious action: installing a sump pump! This device will help drain away any excess water before it has a chance to seep into the walls or floorboards. A professional contractor will know which type is appropriate for your particular situation but either way, this is definitely something worth looking into if there are signs of dampness in any part of your basement (or even just one corner).

Clogged Drain Repair/Installation

Clogged drains can be a common problem in your home. If you have a clogged drain, it can lead to many other problems. The main cause of clogged drains is hair and soap residue that builds up inside the pipes over time. To fix this problem, first use boiling water to clean out the pipe or pour some baking soda down the drain to loosen up any debris that may be stuck in there (don’t forget to flush it with cold water after). You should also try using chemical cleaners such as Drano if these methods don’t work!

To prevent future clogs from happening again, make sure you dispose of fat-free liquid soap instead of bar soaps because they tend not leave behind any residue on their own; also avoid pouring grease down kitchen sinks because it’s harder for wastewater treatment plants filter out than solid matter like food scraps so when those two mix together at high temperatures during sewage treatment processes like “digestion tanks” (which break down substances into smaller particles) then those compounds end up forming sludge which causes blockages within pipes leading back towards our homes, causing us problems later down line like having no running water through faucets etc.

Home Contractor Repair

If you are looking for a Home Contractor Repair, we are here to help you. We offer a wide range of services that can be tailored to fit your needs. We specialize in residential and commercial repairs, remodeling and more! Our experts will come out to your home or business location with all the necessary tools and equipment needed to get the job done right away!


The best Home Contractor Repair for you is the one that can get your home back in shape. This means finding a company with experience and expertise in the areas where you need help, as well as a track record of customer satisfaction.